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10/1 Proclaiming Him
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Sharing the wonderful things God has done in your life is a powerful way to point people to faith. Listen as Kim Gentry Meyer gives her thoughts about that on Making Your Life Count.
10/2 Live and Share
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Sharing your faith in Jesus Christ can be one of the most exciting things you ever do. Today on Making Your Life Count, Ted Wilcox, of Cru, talks about some key things to remember.
10/2 Live and Share
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Sharing your faith in Jesus Christ can be one of the most exciting things you ever do. Today on Making Your Life Count, Ted Wilcox, of Cru, talks about some key things to remember.
10/3 Pray For Your Family
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Rob Pacienza says there are so many things battling for our attention in today's culture. But by praying for your family, you can have peace. Listen as he gives his thoughts on Making Your Life Count.
10/4 Effective Prayers
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Praying effectively is something music artist Sean Rodriguez has discovered throughout the course of his faith journey. Listen as Sean shares what he has learned today on Making Your Life Count.
10/7 Glorify God
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Giving God the glory for the great things he has done! Music artist Jordan Feliz has seen firsthand the goodness of God. Today on Making Your Life Count, listen as Jordan tells how he does this through music.
10/8 Spiritual Health
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
When God created you, he had a specific plan and purpose especially for you. On today’s Making Your Life Count, Marc Rutter of Cru describes how God has designed us.
10/9 Community Matters
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
According to Chris Nye, growing in community is a crucial part of growing deeper in relationship with God. Today on Making Your Life Count, Chris says community is an important part of your faith journey.
10/10 Jesus Foundation
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Billie Jauss says building your life with Jesus as your foundation really helps to understand your calling. On today’s Making Your Life Count, listen as Billie shares her insights.
10/11 Effective Prayer
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Would you like to pray more effectively? Jesus gave us a great example of prayer that we can all follow. Today on Making Your Life Count, Joe Battaglia says prayer can help build community.
10/14 Peace in Turmoil
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
An atheist for much of his life, Scott Coren looked to God when his daughter was born with a debilitating heart condition. Today on Making Your Life Count, Scott shares how these devastating circumstances in his life ultimately drew him to faith in Jesus Christ.
10/15 Understanding Love
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Do you truly understand God’s unconditional love for you? Today on Making Your Life Count, Aaron Taylor shares what he has learned about God’s love.
10/16 Influential Difference
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Seeing the example his father set for him had a profound influence on Jim Liske. Today on Making Your Life Count, Jim tells us how his Dad’s actions continue to influence his life even today.
10/17 Healing and Hope
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Nathan Tasker has been through many ups and downs in his life. And for Nathan, the loss of his young twins has led to healing conversations with people. And sharing his story has played a vital role. Listen as he shares from his heart today on Making Your Life Count.
10/18 God is Faithful
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
For musician Mike Lee, a specific passage of Scripture taught him a lot about God’s character. On today’s Making Your Life Count, Mike talks about a song that came out of his time spent in God’s Word.
10/21 Brave Identity in Christ
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
For Dawn Damon, finding her identity in Jesus Christ has really fortified her life and her faith. Today on Making Your Life Count, Dawn says she loves to share about the importance of living a bold faith as she realizes her identity in God.
10/22 Legacy for Christ
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Do you strive to make an eternal difference when it comes to your faith? Today on Making Your Life Count, listen as Cru president David Robbins shares a touching story.
10/23 Salt and Light
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
You know, the Bible talks about being salt and light in the world as we live out our faith. But just what does this mean? Listen as Hollylu Jostes shares the specifics on today’s Making Your Life Count.
10/24 Need For God
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Understanding your need for God is vital in experiencing true life change. Today on Making Your Life Count, Lucas Miles shares how grasping this truth has changed his life forever.
10/25 Music and Identity
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
For as long as she can remember, Ellie Holcomb has loved music.Today on Making Your Life Count, Ellie shares about her music and how she has discovered identity in Jesus Christ.
10/28 Understanding Forgiveness
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Understanding the saving grace and forgiveness that we have in Jesus Christ helps us extend that same grace and forgiveness to others. Today on Making Your Life Count, listen as Al Robertson gives us his perspective.
10/29 Worship in Song
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Praising and thanking God in worship is a powerful experience. On today’s Making Your Life Count, Jasmine Brady says she knows firsthand how music and worship matter. Listen as she gives her thoughts on that.
10/30 Encountering God
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Mary Shalhoub says encountering God for the first time changed her life forever. Today on Making Your Life Count, listen as Mary describes what she has come to understand in the course of her relationship with Jesus Christ.
10/31 Faith Mentors
(1 MIN & 2 MIN)
Growing up in a faith-filled home, Adam Griffin recalls his knowledge of God from an early age. On today’s Making Your Life Count, Adam describes the process of growing in his faith and coming to have a deep, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.